economic activities

Logistic systems at the national level for reducing technogenic losses

The article scrutinises the specification of logistics systems at the national level in order to reduce the destructive impact of human activities on the environment and society. The composition and structure of the key indicators of technogenic load have been determined by economic activities. International experience of the establishing national logistics systems and their use to reduce man-made damage have been analyzed. It is shown that the current national logistics system is an important factor in the implementation of green economy policies.

Fiscal policy studyiing of the state regulation of technogenic losses in the national economy

In order to study fiscal policy on state regulation of man-made damage to the national
economy, the theoretical principles of application of its instruments under conditions of
incomplete information and uncertainty of the future have been summarized in this paper.
According to objectives of the research tasks appropriate level of environmental taxes on
factors of the levels of man-made damage to the national economy, and the study of features of
fiscal policy means cluster analysis and the formation of approaches to the selection of effective

Structural changes at the national economy of ukraine under influence of postindustrialization

The article presents the results of research of structural changes at the national economy of
Ukraine under the influence of process postindustrialization. In order to complete analysis of
structural changes at the national economy of Ukraine under the influence of process
postindustrialization were solving the following problems: advanced features postindustrialization
process in the world economy; analyzed the structural changes at the national economy of Ukraine


Показано провідну роль сільськогосподарського виробництва серед пріоритетних видів економічної діяльності, узагальнено тенденції організаційного наближення випуску сільськогосподарської продукції до промислової діяльності на прикладі індустріального Донбасу, розглянуто перспективи створення конгломератів для забезпечення продовольчої самодостатності регіону та надано відповідні рекомендації.