
Investigation of rheological properties of graphene oxide and its nanocomposite with polyvinyl alcohol

Abstract. This paper focuses on the rheological properties of graphene oxide (GO) and its nanocomposite with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The purpose of this paper is to compare the mechanical properties of these materials. GO is a nanomaterial that has been widely studied in engineering. The comparison of its rheological properties with those of its nanocomposite with PVA has been required. Rheology is an appropriate method for the comparative investigation of the mechancial behavior of these materials.

Використання програмних продуктів Аutodesk у навчальному процесі

Розглянуто особливості впровадження програмних продуктів Autodesk у процес підготовки інженерів-механіків на кафедрі електронного машинобудування Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”.

Рецензія на книгу Н. Г. Відуєва, В. П. Гржибовськго, Д. І. Paкітoвa «Застосування геодезії в машинобудуванні», «Техніка», Київ, 1968, стор. 190

Analyzing the status and trends of development ofmachine-building enterprises in Ukraine

Machine-building in the domestic economy took the lead, as it focused significant
technical, scientific and innovative potential. Development of machine building promotes the
development of other related industries, allowing you to create a closed loop production in
Ukraine. Analysis of companies to determine the reasons for slowing the development,
availability and status of resources, the volume of export-import operations, financial and
investment processes. Based on the results of machine-building enterprises can make effective