
Методи та інструменти моделювання інформаційних процесів

In the article the theoretical principles, methodological and practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the information system were proposed. The analysis of the basic principles and methods of modeling of information processes and methodology of forming an information system are justified. A systematic approach that allows to consider general strategic objectives of association and to form patterns and limits for receipt and interpretation of decision support systems was formulated.

Багатовимірне подання даних для управління ІТ-проектами

Tthe article presents the theoretical principles and proposes methodological and practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the information system. The analysis of the basic principles and techniques of project management and information processes is presented and methodology of corporate information systems project management is grounded.

The legal monitoring research methodology and technique

Describes the methodology and technique of scientific research of the legal monitoring as a systematic, comprehensive activities aimed at the monitoring, analysis and assessment of current legislation and practice of its application. Special attention is accented on the philosophical, evristics, explanatory, methodological and prognostic functions of the system approach.

Methodology study and development communication culture

A communicative turn in modern philosophy from subjectivity to subjectivities envisages the different conceptual going both near communication and to the forms and facilities of her recreation that touches deep vital orientations and has free character. Therefore world view of attitude in industry of communicative philosophy consists foremost in that legal rationalism lines up on the improved universal human rights, legal legitimation of power, free discussion of moral and political alternatives.

Update methodological approach to state-govenment phenomena within theoretical law

The article addresses the problem in legal understanding of state and power events. Particular attention is devoted to the selection of the optimal methodology for the study of these phenomena. The analysis of possible renewed methodological approaches in order to complete and comprehensive analysis of the state-government events.