

Today there are many scientific and technical knowledge that make construction a reliable, fast and economical. To provides a safe and durable (the fundamental components of reliability) of builnings and structures are developed the methods of reliability theory. Improving the methods of calculation is enables researchers and designers to create effective structures with a preset (expedient) level of reliability, which directly affects to an amount of required materials and, appropriately, a cost of future building objects in general.

Behavior as activity: social-legal dimension of personality

The article detailed analysis of the problem of individual behavior in social and legal discourse, describes the value orientation of man as a philosophical and legal category. Thebehavior of a set of actions and deeds, expressions and forms of activity that are primarily categories of social philosophy and covers the objectives, means and results of the process of form. Sformulovavno conceptual positions and conclusions about the phenomenon of the individual as the foundation of modern legal anthropology.

The question of research methodology phenomenon constitutional reform

The questions of research methodology phenomenon constitutional reform. The possibilities of use of dialectic, axiological and activity approaches in the study of constitutional reform. The attention to the importance of using historical (historical and legal) method and the value of systematic, structural and functional, legal-dogmatic, comparative legal methods of knowledge of constitutional reform. We prove the rationality of the use of an integrated approach to the study of the phenomenon of constitutional reform.

Individual constitutional complaint in Ukraine (the elements of humanistic methodology institute)

The article examines the institution of individual constitutional complaint and offers its application in Ukraine on the basis of experience of other countries where it exists. The analysis of the problems related to the realization of an individual complaint has been carried out. In order to introduce this institution the attention should be paid to the necessity of legislative supplements, changes in the organizational structure as well as in methods of judicial activity of Constitutional Court of Ukraine

Ratio methods and methodological approaches in the science of law

In the article is analyzed the essence of the correlation of the method and methodological approach in the study. The author investigates various arsenal of research tools and pay attention to the multiplicity of theoretical entities within the general theory of law and the need for a unified theoretical and methodological basis of research, the importance of fusion research areas in an integrated theoretical system.

Problem of methodological demarcation law

The article discusses current issues methodological problems of demarcation law describes the basic scientific approaches to determine the definition of law. An attempt to solve the traditional concept of discourse to the world, mainly western jurisprudence methodological problems. It is proved that from the standpoint of methodology knowledge of the entire analysis was erected on level epistemological procedures that do not derive to understand the content of the right, which, above all, viewed the problem of understanding and interpretation of the idea of law.

Theoretical and methodological analysis of the nationally patriotic education of students

The article is devoted to the analysis of nationally patriotic education of students. Particularly this issue is concerned to be burning among other problems that are brought before universities and it is related to the problem of specialists training that in 21 century will take upon themselves the formation of a state, its socially-political and economic development, public order and armed forces.