
Право та правова свідомість: взаємодія, взаємозалежність та взаємовплив

Здійснено філософсько-правовий аналіз взаємодії, взаємозалежності та взаємо-впливу права та правової свідомості. Досліджено, що правосвідомість є супутникомправа, а тому ми можемо виокремити притаманні їм спільні риси, а саме: вониналежать до єдиної правової системи; виконують нормативно закріплені функції;характеризуються певною структурою; обумовлюються спільними соціально-економіч-ними, політичними, ідеологічними, культурними та іншими факторами.

Problems of war and peace in the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte

Discusses the problems of war and peace in German classical philosophy, prominent representatives of which were I. Kant, G. Hegel, I. Fichte. These and other thinkers in their theoretical writings not only analyze philosophical problems of society, but paid considerable attention, politics, law, morality, and the nature of social effects of the war. They offered interesting ideas of peaceful coexistence of mankind. Philosophical, political, legal, social concepts of prominent German thinkers have not lost their social values and they are extremely important.

Problems of war and peace in the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte

Discusses the problems of war and peace in German classical philosophy, prominent representatives of which were I. Kant, G. Hegel, I. Fichte. These and other thinkers in their theoretical writings not only analyze philosophical problems of society, but paid considerable attention, politics, law, morality, and the nature of social effects of the war. They offered interesting ideas of peaceful coexistence of mankind. Philosophical, political, legal, social concepts of prominent German thinkers have not lost their social values and they are extremely important.

Social value and orientations in professional activity of young specialists, graduates from universities of Ukraine

The article covers the notion of professional activity of young specialists, graduates from universities of Ukraine, that under modern socially-economical and politically-legal conditions carry out essential functions in all the social branches of society, the development, functioning of the state, and their professional activity stands as a major social value.