philosophical and legal ideas

The historical and philosiphical studies of the philosophical and legal concepts in Ukrainian polemical literature

This article analyzes the historical and philosophical studies of the philosophical and legal ideas in the works of the representatives of the Ukrainian polemical current, which was formed as a result of the Brest Union adoption in 1596. It considers a number of scientific works of the national and foreign historians and philosophers, basing on which you can pick out and analyze the philosophical and legal Ukrainian polemicists’ concepts.

The genesis of the ukrainian polemical flow and its importance for the formation of the philosophical-legal concepts

The article analyzes the historical conditions of the polemical current formation. The causes of the Brest Union adoption and its consequences for the Ukrainian society at the end of XVI – the beginning of the XVII century are analysed. It analyses the impact of the polemical struggle on the formation of the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine.

The national liberation ideas in the philosophical and legal views of polemicists

The understanding of the formation of philosophical and legal views in Ukraine in
historical context becomes especially important in the development of Ukraine as a rule-of-law
state under present day conditions. The article analyzes the philosophical and legal ideas of the
national liberation, which are reflected in the polemical literature of the late XVI – early XVII

Analysis of the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine in XVI–XVII centuries

During the Polish expension a complex social and political situation in Ukraine became even more complicated after the adoption of the Brest Union in 1596. As a result, at the end of XVI, beginning of the XVII century on the religious base in Ukraine appears a polemic trend. In their works polemists gave answers not only on religious issues but also expressed the philosophical and legal opinion about public relations. Thus, this article analyzes the main philosophical and legal ideas of polemical literature at the end of XVI beginning XVII century.

Philosophical and legal ideas of social equality in polemical literature

After the adoption of the Brest Union in 1596 in Ukraine a controversial trend appeared and the representatives of it were the leading thinkers of the time. Polemical literature that developed on the basis of the religious issues, raised a number of social, political, legal, philosophical and legal issues. One of these was the problem of social equality. Philosophical and legal ideas of social equality proposed by Ukrainian philosophers remain relevant to this day, especially during the development of the rule- of -law state and civil society in Ukraine.

Origin philosophical and legal views in ancient

The article presents lesser known pages of history of the birth of philosophical and legal ideas and their development in Ukraine in connection with the worldwide context of philosophical and metropolitan culture, divided between different states, but only in the choice of values. Focus on the figures, whose citizenship affect the formation of a national intellectual thought, spiritual culture, later – extrapolated to all territories divided Ukraine.