

Досліджено вплив полімерного модифікатора полівінілхлориду на хімічну стійкість поліестерних композитів. З результатів проведених досліджень виявлено, що рівноважне водопоглинання для поліестерних композитів встановлюється впродовж 7-14 діб. Водопоглинання немодифікованого поліестерного матеріалу становить близько 1,5 %.

Поліестери n-стеарил глутамінової кислоти та діолів для створення самостабілізованих дисперсних систем

The factors which allow obtaining stable polymer dispersions in the water of new amphiphilic polyesters based on the polyeterdiols as hydrophilic blocks and N-acylderivatives of glutamic acid as lipophilic blocks were proved. The dependence of the stability of the obtained dispersions on the macromolecule structure and polyoxyethylene fragment molecular mass in its structure was established. The macromolecules of new pseudo-poly(amino acid) according to their colloidal, chemical and biomedical parameters can be used for polymer systems shipping  design of therapeutic means.

Вплив будови макромолекули на поверхнево-активні властивості амінофункційних поліестерів - псевдополіамінокислот

 The influence of the structure of macromolecular chain of aminofunctional polyesters of pseudo-polyamino acid on the value of their surface active properties is established. Pseudo- polyamino acids with the regular alternation of hydrophilic and lipophilic fragments in macromolecule’s structure have the highest ability to decrease the surface tension of their water dispersions. The pseudo-polyamino acid macromolecules at near CCM concentration form the stable micellar structures in water medium. Such micellar structures can be used for construction of polymer drug delivery systems.

Polyesters on the basis of petroleum resin and polyethylene glycols

New polyesters have been obtained on the basis of C9 petroleum resin with carboxyl groups and polyethylene glycols. The average molecular mass of the petroleum resin is 1050, its functionality = 1.74. Optimal for the polyesters synthesis is the equimolar ratio between the initial compounds. The reaction is performed in the melt in the presence of p-toluenosulphuric acid as the catalyst. In the optimal temperature range 150 - 190oC the yield of the process ranges from 91 to 94 % depending on the conditions.