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Scientific heritage supporters creative works of boris chicherin

The article from the standpoint of modern knowledge and science, excellence in legal practice investigates the philosophical and legal and historical heritage supporters and followers as an outstanding scholar of natural law, and state-legal figure – Borisа Nikolayevichа Chicherinа. The article analyzes the scientific work of domestic and foreign scholars dedicated to scientific heritage of the famous philosopher.

Justice in the philosophical and law thought of new time

In the article has been investigated the genesis of justice and law connections, that allowed to determine the starting point of convergence, and to trace the historical features of the course of such convergence, which reflected in the action area of these phenomena, their content characteristics. It has been determinated the directions of justice problematics output outside the scope of national law and dissemination in international relations.

Natural and legal the harmony of human existence in spase

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of the natural law of harmony of human existence in space in the context of the principle of humanity priority over the principle of legality, that brings progressive ideas of natural law values life, honor and dignity as the basis of ontological space. A great attention is paid to behavioral and activity in human nature naturally and legal space, which is the result of knowledge and understanding of their own interests, the interests of social groups and human communities in general.

Human rights and freedoms in the philosophy of law Ukrainian populists: origin and formation

The article investigates the features of formation of the populist philosophy of law and the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine. The article analyzes the development of philosophical thought in the context of European philosophical and legal culture and the roots of its own formation. The basic ideas of the relationship between the position of human rights with notions of
power and state in philosophical and legal concepts Ukrainian populists, their views on natural law.

The genesis of the ukrainian polemical flow and its importance for the formation of the philosophical-legal concepts

The article analyzes the historical conditions of the polemical current formation. The causes of the Brest Union adoption and its consequences for the Ukrainian society at the end of XVI – the beginning of the XVII century are analysed. It analyses the impact of the polemical struggle on the formation of the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine.

The national liberation ideas in the philosophical and legal views of polemicists

The understanding of the formation of philosophical and legal views in Ukraine in
historical context becomes especially important in the development of Ukraine as a rule-of-law
state under present day conditions. The article analyzes the philosophical and legal ideas of the
national liberation, which are reflected in the polemical literature of the late XVI – early XVII

Phenomenological content features folk law

The article covers phenomenological content of folk law’s functions. Folk-legal norms represent that part of folk law’s regulating functions, that represent not only power lever of regulation of society’s life, but also factors that have universal values and based on morallylegal area of folklore and nation ’s customs. In order to recognize legal behaviour of population of particular territorial unit or ethnic group of multinational region or even some small nation, it is necessary to investigate another sources of local folklore.