natural law

Antinomical Nature of Artificial Law

Circumstances of earthly life, various vital factors that took place in society, the national state, and interstate relations require specific regulation. The creative atmosphere of a person generates a powerful set of laws. Their number is constantly growing, which requires constant attention to quality, as insoluble, insurmountable contradictions appear. Knowing these contradictions is inextricably linked with doubts.

Natural-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Period of Social Anomy

It was found that the transitional state of the development of society is always characterized by instability in all spheres of people's life. Social changes can be both negative and positive, because society is a living organism that must update, develop, and change. It is important that anomic, crisis-transitional states turn into stable, updated socio-legal relations between members of society within the state field, and not go into crisis decline.

Genesis of the principle of equality in law: philosophical and legal characteristics

The article is devoted to the analysis of the genesis of the principle of equality in law and philosophical and legal ideas. It was established that the researched category was born in the period of Antiquity and is developing until now. Equality means the same position of people in society. This category has an axiological character and was formed evolutionarily, together with the development of the concepts of the state and law.

Values of human rights and freedoms in the realization of human dignity

Human freedom has been evolving over the centuries, so it is quite ambiguous and does not stand still, and is still a topical issue for many scientists. There are many different divisions and definitions of freedom, and each is somewhat interesting and relevant. But freedom is the value of man, which is given to him by God and through which man can act of his own free will, without succumbing to circumstances. The value of rights and freedoms is currently a very relevant topic, as most of our rights and freedoms are limited due to certain material and spiritual values.

Aesthetic aspect in law

It has been found that the problem of the aesthetic culture of a lawyer as a manifestation of spirituality belongs to those humanitarian problems that are called "eternal". It is especially relevant in dramatic periods of human history, one of which is now, in particular, experienced in Ukraine, when fundamentally new life phenomena and circumstances adjust the ways and means of life choice and social self-determination of individuals.

Legislation: philosophical and sociological characteristics

Abstract. The article analyzes the concept of lawmaking as a complex set of various elements (implementation of state will and legal norms; state sanctioning of human behavior; direct formation of new norms by competent law-making bodies). It is noted that modern understanding of lawmaking is based on the ideas of identity can be divided into three areas: natural law, positive law, legal and sociological.

Contradicting essence of movement: natural and legal motivation

The article examines the natural and legal motivation of the contradictory nature of the movement. Based on the laws of mechanics, natural law is substantiated and it is proved that it always needs to be verified with natural laws. The above author’s definition presents the metaphysical unity of physics, philosophy, logic and canon law, which contributes to the ontological solution of the problems of contradictory movement in law. The dynamics of world laws of nature have an impact on human anthropology, which would not otherwise be called the microworld.

Natural and legal justification of time

The article examines the natural and legal justification of time, as well as the temporal justification of natural law, which is reflected in the author's definitions. It is argued that time contributes to the acquisition of natural and supernatural values, and human problems can be solved by ontologically formed natural law, which governs it. In the religious concept of time, natural law had a sacred character and the understanding of time dictated the formation of natural law.

Ethical standards and human freedom in law: an integrative aspect

The special features of the integrative aspect of ethical standards and human freedom in law are revealed due to the fact that harmony in law is manifested through the principle of coordination of actions between different elements and structural subdivisions forming the social system, which enables to acquire ethical knowledge of ethical principles and standards from ethical codes that are sources of information about public values. Freedom is emphasized as an intrinsic emotional quality of a person.

Essential human characteristics in natural and legal environment

The peculiarity of the essential characteristics of a person in the natural and legal environment is revealed. It consists in the possibility of a person's choice of one or another type of his / her own behavior, as well as problems of self-appraisal, system of values, valuable orientations and freedom of man.