
Freedom of expression via printed massmedia: theoretical legalaspects

In the article it is analyzed legal basis for the freedom of expression with the help of printed mass media. Also, it is defined the notion of freedom of expression as a natural phenomena. It is accentuated on the particularities of freedom of expression via printed mass media protection by European Court of Human Rights. Besides, certain proposals concerning the improvement of the mechanizmof freedomof expression legal enforcement in Ukraine are elaborated.

Violence as a political and legal program in theoretical concepts of marxism and its social consequences

The problem of violence in the theoretical concepts of Karl Marx and Friadrich Engels, as political and legal program dictatorship of the proletariat, role of the army and police in bourgeois and socialist society, implementation of Marxist ideals dictatorship of the proletariat in the USSR and its social consequences.

Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko – prominent fighter for the human rights and freedoms (to the 200th anniversary of his birth)

The article is devoted to the fight of the great Ukrainian poet, artist and public figure, patriot, defender of rights, freedoms, esteem and dignity. Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko entered the history as prominent and fearless fighter against antinational, antilegal, inhumane political and legal system of Russian Tsarizm. Taras Shevchenko is Ukrainian Prometheus 114 who brought the truth to people by prominent words, forming a national consciousness and willingness of Ukrainians to fight for social and national liberation.