
Protecting the freedom, independence and sovereignty in the political and legal concepts of Hegel

The problem of protecting freedom, independence and sovereignty in the philosophical, political and legal concepts of the great German philosopher GVF Hegel. German philosopher made a profound analysis of the role and place of the state in the development and functioning of society. He is one of the first drew attention to the need to protect the state of freedom, independence and sovereignty of aggression. In this respect, revealed the role and place of the people and the army to protect their country.

Social behavior in natural and legal space

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of social behavior in natural and legal environment in the context of understanding the man at her relative or absolute autonomy and independence from being objective areas, including legal reality. A great attention is paid to the assimilation of human values provided legal globalization in society.

Substantial approach to the problem of human formation

On the basis of substantial approach analyzes the problem of formation of the person. The basic social and environmental determinants of human formation and thus proved the continuity of their relationships and the very convention division. Analyzed the relationship between the concepts of “social”, “society”, “culture”, done by analyzing a large amount of literature reasoned conclusions on theoretical controversies regarding scientific interpretations of the aforementioned concepts.

Problems of war and peace in the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte

Discusses the problems of war and peace in German classical philosophy, prominent representatives of which were I. Kant, G. Hegel, I. Fichte. These and other thinkers in their theoretical writings not only analyze philosophical problems of society, but paid considerable attention, politics, law, morality, and the nature of social effects of the war. They offered interesting ideas of peaceful coexistence of mankind. Philosophical, political, legal, social concepts of prominent German thinkers have not lost their social values and they are extremely important.

Natural and legal the harmony of human existence in spase

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of the natural law of harmony of human existence in space in the context of the principle of humanity priority over the principle of legality, that brings progressive ideas of natural law values life, honor and dignity as the basis of ontological space. A great attention is paid to behavioral and activity in human nature naturally and legal space, which is the result of knowledge and understanding of their own interests, the interests of social groups and human communities in general.

Methodological dilemma definition of “socialization” in the philosophical-legal concept

The article is devoted to the social and philosophical analysis of the legal process of socialization and its basic categories; systematization of basic legal forms (adaptation, internalization, acculturation) features pravosotsializuyuchyh influence of various factors on individual, personal prerequisites socialization of Ukrainian society in the context of globalization changes. Analyzed the phenomenon of legal socialization as an objective and natural process of inclusion of the individual in social and legal relations as their subject.

Human behavior, philosophical and legal reflection “activity” and “activity”

The article investigates human behavior as an object of philosophical and legal reflection “activity” and “activity”. Modified the problem motivated and achieve value-oriented human behavior, acting peculiar social processes substance of human life in all spheres of public life. Deals behavior primarily as a category of social philosophy, which includes objectives, means and results of the process of form.

Existence legal aid as a philosophical-legal phenomenon

The article analyzes the concept of “legal assistance”, discussed the philosophical and legal foundation of its existence, the basis of which laid the claim that a person who adheres to the norms of morality in daily life, according to adhere to and the requirements of the law, because it is based on universal values, developed by throughout the existence of human norms, which are the first regulators of social life.

Theoretical basis of “social state” concept

It could not be a civil society without the state, and without the state could not exist a full rule of law because they are organic sides of modern civilized social life. The idea of the welfare state emerged on the basis of many social, economic and political theories. It reflects and develops the idea of good people, justice, equality, decent existence. Some of these ideas appeared in the ancient world, including: some theories of law and state; economic theories; theories of just social order and others.

Individually socialization: philosophical and legal dimension

Article meaningful philosophical category of “personality”, its essence and definition, found the place and the role of the individual in the philosophical and legal context, presented the main characteristics of the individual. Based on significant source base covers basic methodological approaches to the abovementioned problems.