
Девіантна правосвідомість як підструктурна система ментально структурованої правосвідомості

Ґрунтовно досліджено девіантну правосвідомість як підструктурну систему ментально структурованої правосвідомості, визначено її особливості.

A tireless fighter for the rights and freedom of Ukrainian people (to the 160 anniversary of I. Franko)

Scientific-theoretical and revolutionary activity of the genius of the Ukrainian people Ivan Franko directed to the social and national liberation of Ukrainian people struggle for its rights and freedoms is being observed.

Anthropology phenomenon of personality

Analyzes the philosophical principles of Emmanuel Mounier personalist concept and identifies its impact on the philosophical currents of the twentieth century. Studied existential philosophical principles and major categories that uses existentialism in the interpretation of the rights and specificity of its existence. Conceptual phenomenology content through the analysis of the concept of "I", highlights the main dimensions of anthropological philosophy in the context filosofemy Max Scheler.

Mental properties of legal consciousness

In the article the theoretical aspects of the content of the legal mentality are analyzed. Particular attention is focused on the question of man’s place in the mentality (anthropology mentality). The attention is paid on the primary human factor – consciousness in conjunction with the subconscious. Particularly relevant for the legal right mentality is mental law, subconscious law and legal consciousness. These all concepts arised from natural and supernatural law and are clarified and specified whether legal anthropology.

Historiography research problems of deviant behavior: trends and directions

The article analyzes the scientific work of domestic and foreign scholars dedicated to thehistoriography of deviant behavior of the individual. The main theoretical and methodological approaches that have emerged as part of modern historiography to study the problem. Defined thematic orientation work, their characteristics and features, singled out the overall trends research deviant behavior. Exposed the most topical at the present stage of science methods of studying the abovementioned issues.

Phenomenon personality in the philosophy of neo-thomism

The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the phenomenon of personality in the philosophy of neo Thomism; individual phenomenon determined by the category of spirituality, identity, autonomy, and self-esteem, initiative, self-improvement, love. It is proved on the basis of philosophical treatises on individual autonomy neo-Thomism created the world, and the nature of society, not a supernatural being – God. The essence of autonomy is, in fact, that “personality turned to God” that “she must surrender to him completely”.

Individually socialization: philosophical and legal dimension

Article meaningful philosophical category of “personality”, its essence and definition, found the place and the role of the individual in the philosophical and legal context, presented the main characteristics of the individual. Based on significant source base covers basic methodological approaches to the abovementioned problems.

Identity formation, social and natural aspects

On the basis of considerable source base the basic social and natural aspects that directly influence the formation of personality. The evolution of the formation and development of social and natural determinant of human beings. The basic scientific approaches to the analysis of the social and natural aspects of personality.

A “view” in the structure of consciousness: philosopho-legal aspects

In the article philosophic aspects of one of the major elements in the consciousness, meaning a view, are analyzed. Besides, the notion, meaning and interpretation of a view are examined. Also, the value of philosophic understanding of a view for the aim of legal declaration of the freedom of expression is characterized.