In the article results of experimental studies of two-hinged wooden arches on punched metal plate fasteners with incline tie bars. The prototype models of wooden arches with the span of 6 m and the rise of 1m were designed. The models had a rectangular cross-section of 180x40 mm and a T-section of 180x40 mm with a plywood plate with the thickness of 6 mm and the width of 500 mm. The main objective of the T-section was to ensure the stability of the arch. The bowstring truss including horizontal tie bar carrying lateral thrust and two inclined tie bars enables carrying asymmetric loads and provides in-plane stability of the arch. Two prototypes of wooden arches were tested with rectangular cross-sections and two T-section ones subjected to the loading across the span, and the same four prototypes subjected, two rectangular cross-sections and two T-section – to the half-span loading. In total, eight arches were tested. The results of testing revealed insufficient stability of the arches with rectangular cross-section in the horizontal plane. In the article results of collapsing force of rectangular cross-section arches and T-section arch, the thrust force in tie bars, deflections depend on type of loading and cross-section fibre deformation in three specific sections under symmetrical and asymmetrical loading of the arch.

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