Solar energy refers to renewable energy sources and has significant potential for use. Solar energy is used to generate heat or electric energy. Electricity generation by solar power plants is practiced around the world. Solar power plants can be used as additional power supplies that work in conjunction with external power supply networks or completely autonomous. For the rational use of payments by residents for improving the living conditions of dwelling houses and adjoining territory, facilitate the acquisition of high-quality communal services an associations of co-owners of apartment buildings (ACAB) are created in Ukraine. Owners of ACAB carry out various thermorenovation measures to improve the energy performance of the buildings. The availability of the State Economic Program for Energy Efficiency and the State Budget Special Fund for the implementation of this program allow ACAB to obtain credit funds for the implementation of energy saving technologies. To attract credit, they need to know the cost of energy-saving measures. In this article, the calculation of the site area and the estimated cost of the autonomous solar power plant in the cities of Lviv, Kiev, Kharkiv and Odessa for needs of different systems are presented. It is established that the site area of the autonomous solar power plant for providing the maximum energy consumption in the specified cities is not significantly different, and on average it is 2 hectares, and its cost is more than 1 million USD. Since such free area in densely populated cities is absent, then a solar power plant should be used to cover the needs of only electricity supply systems or used as a reserve power supply. When a solar power plant is used for the needs of the electricity supply system, the site area is reduced by 10 times.

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