The article discusses some thermal properties of floors and floorings, such as heat transfer and heat absorption. It was pointed out that there are no specific requirements in the field of heat absorption by floor construction in the Polish building regulations. The property of heat accumulation through the floor not only affects the thermal sensations of the room users, but also affects the heat loss of such a construction. The main objective of the study was to assess the heat absorption capacity of floors and flooring made of various types of wood and compare them with floors finished with natural stone or ceramic tiles. Comparison of the thermal activity of the floor from different types of wood shows some differences that allow to identify types of wood that may be more or less active in these thermal processes. Characteristically, it has also been found to determine a wood floor thickness that is similar for different types of wood, where the properties related to heat accumulation stabilize. In the case of a floor finished with natural stone or with ceramic floor tiles, in contrast to wood, as the thickness of the finishing layer increases, an increase in the activity associated with the accumulation of heat is observed.

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