The article is dedicated to the consideration of certain aspects of constitutional and legal
doctrine of national sovereignty, in particular the formation and development of such a
doctrine and its contemporary interpretation. The authors analyzed the views and ideas of a
number of thinkers who were of great importance in the formation of popular sovereignty
concept such as J.-J. Rousseau, B. Constant, A. Esmein, L. Duguit, Maurice Hauriou.
Modern tendencies in the development of national sovereignty doctrine are reviewed and
their key characteristics are determined in this research.First of all, modern concept of
national sovereignty is an integral system of liberal and democratic values that unlike the
origin edition combines harmoniously collective and personal rights, «common will» and
«autonomous freedom».Secondly, its fundamental ideas are confirmed by legal mechanism of
their implementation that is not limited to elections or referendum. Thirdly, the agency is not
restricted by elected authorities as one of the forms of popular sovereignty but also includes
those that because of their independence, impartiality, professionalism can represent
effectively the interests of citizens, in particular bodies of constitutional jurisdiction.Fourthly,
the contemporary concept of national sovereignty considers each individual as an active
participant in the process of democratic legitimation that participates directly in making
important social decisions along with public authorities.
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