The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibility of applying the method of inverse problems of dynamics for the synthesis of a system of spatial stabilization of the motion of a dynamic object on an operatively programmable trajectory. The article proposes to apply the method of inverse problems of dynamics for the synthesis of a system for stabilizing the motion of a dynamic object on an operatively programmable trajectory. It is concluded that the procedure for applying the method of inverse problems of dynamics provides for the sequential execution of two procedures. The first procedure involves setting the desired trajectory of movement of a dynamic object and determining the vector of necessary control forces for the implementation of this trajectory of movement. The second procedure involves determining the control function (control deviations) to create such forces. In the development of the concepts of the algorithmic approach (inverse problems of dynamics), an analytical expression for the governing force is obtained. The proposed block diagram of the control algorithm can be used to synthesize control systems for complex dynamic objects, for example, remotely piloted aircraft.
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