The article is devoted to the problems associated freeze with the calculated estimation of the parameters of the structural and heat-insulating antifreeze layer in the subgrade of non-rigid roads on various soil bases. The main physical, technical and deformation characteristics of monolithic dispersed non-autoclaved foam concrete reinforced with polypropylene fiber of grades of density from
600 to 1000 kg/m3 are investigated. Freezing of subsoil waters directly under the roadway pavement and, as a result, its increase in volume, leads to significant deformations of the road surface. Under such conditions, the period of defectfree operation of the roadway pavement is significantly reduced, which in turn leads to the need to repair it in a more intensive mode. One of the ways to reduce the operating cost and maintenance costs of the road transport infrastructure is to introduce into the design and construction practice new structural concepts for road surface dressing that ensure high quality pavement during the normative operational period. This can be achieved by introducing an effective heat-insulating material into the pavement structure as an anti-frost layer in order to elimi-nate the effect of frost lift of the roadway pavement of non-rigid roads. Since domestic and foreign experience freeze in the road construction has proven the effectiveness of the use of heatinsulating materials in the road surface dressing construction, in recent years in Ukraine there has been increased interest in the use of non-autoclaved foam concrete as a modern and highly effective heat-insulating material in road construction. The installation of a heat-insulating layer made of non-autoclaved foam concrete allows us to completely or partially prevent freezing or overheating of the surface dressing base, reduce the influence of periodic variations in environmental temperature, which in turn will increase the durability of the pavement structure. The publication presents nomograms for determining the optimal thickness of the heat-insulating anti-frost heavy course (layer) of road surface dressing (based on sand, loamy sand, clay and loam) done at the street and road network for all climatic and geographical regions of Ukraine.
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