The issue of the normative air exchange ensuring in the premises of the boiler houses is extremely important. The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of air velocity determination in the distribution of air by round and compact jets in the boiler room. Graphical and analytical dependences are given. The research results substantiate the higher accuracy of the average air flow velocity determination in small boiler rooms. The aim of the work is to develop a method for experimental determination of the efficiency of the ventilation system in the boiler room; to increase of the accuracy of the average velocity determination of the round and the compact air jets in the plane of the supply nozzle to ensure the normative air exchange of the boiler room and to substantiate of the calculation method. The characteristics and patterns of development of round and compact air jets in the premises are established and the calculated dependences are obtained. The unitless integral air velocity for the round and compact air jets in the boiler room is established. Calculation dependences for determining of the air flow rate in the boiler room have been obtained. It is substantiated that the application of the proposed method will significantly increase the accuracy of air exchange determination in the boiler rooms to ensure the required value in accordance with regulatory requirements. Also it is substantiated that to obtain satisfactory experimental results on speed measurements in the boiler room, it is necessary to measure the speed in the center of the supply nozzle several times with maximum accuracy. Then multiply the result by the relative average velocity: for a round jet vav = 0,26 and for a compact jet – vav = 0,2025. The obtained results allow to avoid a significant error (19 %) in determining the required air exchange ventilation of the boiler room. Recommendations for the practical determination of the calculated values to ensure proper ventilation of the boiler rooms are given.

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