Preliminary studies have shown that hydrophobic materials ZDP "Silicon Polymer" 136-157 M, ETS-32, ETS-40, and a number of their analogs, in contrast to GKZh-11N and GKZh-11K, can withstand excess water pressure of 0.02 MPa when tested for methods developed based on standard methods for determining the water-resistance of concrete and tiles. The authors of the article developed experimental waterproofing liquids 1 K, 2 K, 1 N, and 2 N, based on GKZh-11 N and GKZh-11K. These liquids are ready for use for hydrophobization and silicatization of organosilicon compounds. The depth of penetration of waterproofing liquids into wall materials depends, in addition to the absorbency, on the value of the kinematic viscosity of such liquids. Therefore, the establishment of conditional and kinematic viscosity of waterproofing liquids is one of the tasks set in this article. Conditional (fluidity) and kinematic viscosity, due to their relationship, were determined using viscometers VZ-1, VZ-4, VZ-246, and a ball viscometer.

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