The design and performance of vibration exciters strongly influences the operational efficiency and adaptability of industrial vibratory equipment. Vibratory equipment with such mechanisms is widely used in industries such as mining, construction, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture, where efficient material handling and precise motion control are critical. Traditional systems face several challenges, including energy inefficiency, limited trajectory control, and a need for more flexibility for diverse industrial applications. This study aims to overcome these limitations by proposing innovative designs for vibratory exciters, focusing on symmetric planetary-type mechanisms, self-regulating vibration exciters with adjustable inertial parameters, and twin crank-slider mechanisms.

The research employs a comprehensive methodology that integrates mathematical modeling using Euler-Lagrange equations, simulation-based analysis in Mathematica and SolidWorks, and validation under varying operational conditions. Results indicate that the symmetric planetary-type mechanism can generate complex motion trajectories, including triangular, elliptical, and hexagonal paths, enabling superior adaptability. Similarly, the twin crank-slider mechanism provides precise multi-mode control over trajectory configurations, achieving linear, circular, and elliptical oscillations essential for tailored operational performance. The self-regulating planetary vibration exciter enhances operational efficiency by allowing real-time adjustments of inertial parameters, ensuring compatibility with specific technological requirements such as sieving, conveying, and compacting processes.

The originality of this work lies in its ability to address the core issues of energy optimization, adaptability, and advanced trajectory control. By introducing these novel solutions, the study significantly enhances the practical value of vibratory systems in industrial processes. Future research will focus on experimental validation of the proposed mechanisms and further optimization of their parameters. Expanding these designs' applicability to large-scale industrial machinery will also ensure broader implementation and increased efficiency across diverse engineering domains

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