Comparison of efficient of the combined solar collector for energy-efficient buildings for different modes of operation


Ulewicz M., Zhelyh V., Shapoval S., Spodyniuk N., Vengryn I.

Czestochowa University of Technology,
Department of General Building Engineering and Building Physics
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Heat, Gas Supply and Ventilation

On the whole, alternative energy should contribute to taking the two pressing problems of environmental safety and energy efficiency. Solar energy, as energy resources of the future, has a lot of benefits. It is mainly harmless to people and the environment. It does not distort the landscape. There is no point in exporting or importing it. As for the energy itself, it is both free and renewable, the latter benefit being the most important one. In work paid considerable attention to solar heating systems and proposed to use this solar heating system in energy-efficient homes in Ukraine. This the primary solution may be used for decrease energy consumption of buildings. The overall effectiveness of solar installations is largely dependent on the level of solar energy, which in its turn is strongly dependent on the geographical position. Therefore, special attention is paid to the analysis of the heat flux, came onto the plane solar collector during the experiment, in consequence of changes in the intensity of solar radiation. In the work analysis the efficiency combined heating system in the conditions of southern orientation of the territory and the different modes. According to the study, the findings and recommendations of the use of combined solar heating at increasing the share of solar energy industry and efficiency of such systems in the overall energy balance of the country.

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