Аналіз сучасного досвіду проектування будівель із застосуванням трубобетоних елементів


Кущенко В. М., Галущак Ю. Г. / Kushchenko V. M., Galushchak Yu. G.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
кафедра будівельних конструкцій та мостів

The thesis is devoted to the analysis of existent constructive forms of joint of concrete filled tube columns to various types of ceilings, their advantages and disadvantages. The actual tendencies, which react on introduction concrete filled tube constructions into civil engineering, were identified. The trends of practical appliance of concrete filled tube and steel reinforced concrete constructions were investigated. The model of reinforced concrete ceiling comparative calculation in case of rigid and link connection to concrete filled tube column were conducted. The four main quality parameters of effectiveness of joints of concrete filled tube columns to ceiling constructions constructive forms were inducted, such as: creation of girderless frames, bearing the negative moment beside the support by construction of joint, creation the rigid three-dimensional frame and including the concrete core of column in work. The analysis of constructive form of joint concrete filled tube columns with girder and ceiling slabs in relation with stiffness of joint and including the core of concrete filled tube in work were conducted. Based on analysis of prevailing joints of concrete filled tube columns with varied types of ceiling expediency of investigating the rigid joint of concrete filled tube with sitecast steel reinforced ceiling, which distinguish by respond the four main quality parameters of effectiveness, were identified.

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