Conducted calculated and experimental research of thermal processes and storage capacity of solid heat storage materials. Analyzed the change of the thermo physical properties of the selected heat storage materials depending on temperature. Estimated specific heat storage capacity in the temperature range from 50 °C to 650 °C such materials: magnesite, chamotte, dinas, corundum.
The next step was to carry out experimental studies in order to confirm data obtained as a result of calculated studies. Studies were carried out on electric thermal storage (ETS) of electric power 2.4 kW domestic production with heat storage elements from the magnesite. Obtained temperature distribution in the wall of the channels of the heat storage elements. Also conducted measurements of the temperature of the heated air in the channels of the heat storage elements and the output of the ETS. Measurements temperatures were carried out with thermocouples chromel-alumel in ceramic shell with a measurement range from -50 °C to 1300 °C. In areas with high temperatures thermocouples were laid in the case of heat-resistant fabric. As a result of experimental studies obtained the temperature distribution in the heat storage elements of ETS. Based on these data it was calculated the amount of stored heat by heat storage elements of ETS for the complete cycle of its operation.
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