Теплова ефективність комбінованої геліосистеми в режимі протоку за південно-східного та південно-західного напрямку орієнтації


Шаповал С. П. / Shapoval S.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

Solar radiation - is an inexhaustible source of renewable energy. Using solar energy is sufficiently promising to improve the environmental situation, reducing of consumption of fossil fuels, as well as for household and technological needs. Solar installations often are different design complexity or low rate of use of floor space, require complex electromechanical systems and mechanisms guidance. In addition to finding alternative energy sources, as opposed to traditional fuel. The article referred to the current issues is the integration of existing solar installations in simpler design. It can be only without losing the existing efficiency, but at the same time raising it. To resolve this issue in the work proposed to use solar collector, in which the absorber in the solar collector is made of corrugated and roofing material. The article presents the results of research the temperature of heat carrier, instantaneous dynamics specific heat power of the solar collector. The article describes the results of a study efficiency of combined solar on the south-western and south-eastern orientation relative to the horizon in Ukraine. In the article the proposed solar energy experimental solar combined. Results of the study can be used in the design and choice of location of solar heat in Ukraine.

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