Перспективи використання композиційних матеріалів на основі сірки та менілітових сланців для ремонтних та реставраційних робіт


Брайченко С.П. /Braichenko S. P.,

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва

New generation concretes and mastics, as well as the prospects of using them for repairing and restoration works in the construction industry have been described in this article.
From known composite materials polymeric sulfur is often use. Speed dialing strength, no capillary-porous structure, the inactivity of sulfur to various aggressive environments enables to develop an effective composite mixture.
As the result of research discovered that putting into the composition milled menilite slate in sulfur concrete and mastic stacking increases the plasticity of mixtures, and at their hardening reduced fragility of concrete and mastic by increasing the share of elastic-plastic deformation and reduced the original modulus of elasticity. The absence of these materials capillary-porous structure and hydrophobic nature of sulfur and menilite slate provides impermeability and increasing water resistance of products.
Research has shown that sulfur concrete and mastic based on menilite slates have the following positive features: speed dial strength, chemical resistance to certain aggressive products, low water absorption and high frost resistance.
Building materials and products based on sulfur and menilite shale received practical applications for repairing and restoration works, as well as road construction and hydraulic engineering industry.

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