Development and improving for the research methods of reinforced concrete beams are actually one for more researchers. Considering the test of reinforced concrete beams on the shear should be noted that one test is carried out to study the two inclined cross sections of the beam.Usually there destruction of both cross section of the beam appears not simultaneously. We get shear strength only by strength of one inclined cross section. This approach to the researching is economically unreasonable. It is proposed to conduct research inclined cross sections individually. For this purpose one of the cross section is reinforced with prestressedmetal jacket.The load is applied to both cross-sections through the distribution metal beam. Stress strain state of the beam does not change which ensure production of reliable results. So tensions perceived by metal jacketwhich will provide from failure of another inclined cross section and it was in elastic stage.Beams test is carried in the traditional method. After testing, jacketis movedto another inclinedcross section. If necessary, we reduce the span of the beam. Methods verify by three experimental samples with different relational span cutrelational. Studies have shown high reproducibility (at 3–6 %), which suggests the feasibility of practical application techniques. In this type of research we obtain savings in terms of research and costs of labor,it reduces the number of samples, that are important in the modern conditions.
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