The article is devoted to the study of carrying capacity and bending deflections of fiber-reinforced non-autoclaved foam concrete structures reinforced by steel ropes. The relevance of such research caused by the fact that the implementation of protecting and supporting structures of reinforced foam concrete is economically efficient. The greatest heat loss in buildings observed through the so-called “cold bridges”, which include window and door lintels. Implementation of cellular concrete lintels solve the problem of insulation. The analysis of existing on Ukrainian market technical solutions of cellular concrete lintels showed that in combination with rigid reinforcement cages such designs are successful. Instead, information on the performance of bending foam concrete structures with steel rope and dispersed polypropylene fiber reinforcement are not enough. To accomplish the goal two research beams of non-autoclaved fiber-reinforced foam concrete of LC 2 class and D1200 density grade were designed and manufactured. The dimentions of beams were 1202402000 mm with a working reinforcement 8Ø3 6x7 + FC DIN 3055. The theoretically calculated linear load on tested beams reached 4.27 kN/m.
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