Providing synergy of the innovation processes in the enterprise


Lisovska L., Gruniv N.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

In the article the meaning of synergy in the economic system and the peculiarities ofsynergies in innovation processes. The value of research in economic research synergy effectsincreases. Scientists appreciate its role in economic processes, to ensure their effectiveness,including "bigger share of the synergistic effect of the economic value created in the composition, the greater the efficiency reaches production." The main advantage of synergies in the innovation process is the ability to achieve highercustomer value innovation created through the implementation of the joint efforts of individual members of the ecosystem of innovation than the result of separate self-employment. Achieving high customer value innovation can be achieved:by sharing innovative potential of individual participants in the innovation process that allows to activate hidden "nedovykorystani" assets;and / or sharing of external factors enabling the deployment of innovative process individual participant, and / or reduce the time spent to implement the innovation process. Sources of synergy in innovation processes may be different. The authors investigated the source generating synergy. For successful innovation authors justify the kinds of synergy effects and exploring their manifestation on the stages of the innovation process. The necessity of evaluation of a synergistic effect to ensure effective management of their sources on the stages and participants of the innovation process. Synergistic effects can be defined arithmetically calculated using the following parameters:increase in the financial result and value of equity participants in the innovation process;reduce operating costs, including costs for innovative processes;reducing the need for all kinds of resources, including financial and intangible; reduce the length of the innovation process. Еvaluation of a synergistic effect in innovation processes must be based on consideration of the time factor and predicting the manifestations complementary sources of synergy in time and space

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