Залежність ексергетичного ККД систем кондиціювання повітря від внутрішньої температури в чистих приміщеннях


Гарасим Д. І., Лабай В. Й. / Garasym D. I., Labay V. Y.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

In modern technologies, which are related to energy transformation, namely in the air conditioning systems, important place are occupied by equipment and processes, the objective estimation of value of its energy perfection can be defined only on the basis of thermodynamic analysis. Classic apparatus of this science is often insufficient to solve new tasks; it is necessary not only to its further development, but its combination with the elements of a systematic approach and economy.Innovation mathematical research model of the central straight flow air conditioning system for cleanroom in order to computer’s estimation its energy effective by virtue of exergetic output-input ratio depending on different factors, which have influence on its work, was described in this article. The dependence of exergetic output-input ratio for chosen air conditioning system on parameters of indoor air, namely temperature and moisture content was defined thanks to this model. It is found, that the effect of moisture content on exergetic output-input ratio of the system is minor. It is shown that the chosen air conditioning system should be preferably used at higher indoor air temperatures, namely, for example = 30 °С, that will give the opportunity to gain the highest exergetic output-input ratio , which means to gain the most advantageous economical variant of exploitation of chosen air conditioning system.

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