In the article the results of research and improve performance properties developed waterproofing liquid based on water-soluble silicon-organic liquids. Under normal conditions, the mechanism of siliceous sediments in the pores of the air is the interaction of carbon dioxide:
2 (R-Si-O-Na) + CO2 + H2O = 2 (R-Si-O-H)↓ + Na2CO3,
where R – the hydrocarbon radical.
As water-soluble silicone fluid used metylsiliconats potassium and sodium. Proposed to accelerate the formation of pores in the sediment water repellents wall material to conduct preprocessing wall material 5 % solution of lime or calcium chloride. Due to the interaction between water-metylsiliconats and lime or calcium chloride precipitate formed metylsiliconat calcium.
2 (R-Si-O-Na) + Ме2+ = 2 (R-Si-O) = Ме↓ + 2Na+
These fluids are applied by saturation cross section through the pre-drilled wall openings. Technologically saturation can occur in bulk or well under pressure using packers and primary pump. It is also possible to use these liquids for the surface treatment of walls to protect them at low wa
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