Застосування фундаментів типу “опускний колодязь” під час будівництва на ділянках ущільненої забудови


Ліхонос А. М., Лисюк С. А., Царьов Є. С. / Lihonos A. M., Lysiuk S. A, Tsariov Ye. S.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельних конструкцій та мостів

Building in on the densely built-up arias often requires substantial investment. The reason for this is that developers should take special additional steps to reduce the devastating impact on neighboring buildings. Particularly acute this issue is when it comes to building in the historic district where most of the neighboring houses belongs to the historical heritage. Other relatively important issue is about the construction costs. Unfortunate choice of foundations design may cause significant rise in price of all building works or negative impacts on the surrounding buildings. In this application the best foundations design, can significantly reduce the cost of materials and overall construction costs. Economically profitable and reliable construction, which reduces material consumption of underground structures and the time spent on their construction are important for improving the efficiency of investment, saving material and technical means and speed up construction. This article represents using of Well Foundations on the densely built-up aria in the historical part of Lviv City.

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