sun gear

Review and complement of methods for changing the movement speed of mechanisms and machines elements

In mechanical drives of machines there is a need to control changes in the speed of their actuators. Stepped and stepless gearboxes are used for this purpose. Known speed control devices have many disadvantages that adversely affect the durability and reliability of drive components and machines in general. These include the design complexity, high material consumption, automation complexity, dynamic loads during transitions from one speed to another, intensive wear of parts due to the friction connections use.

Динамічна модель керування швидкістю у пристрої з багатоступінчастим зубчастим диференціалом і замкнутими гідросистемами через водила

Мета. Розробка математичної моделі динамічних процесів у пристроях зміни швидкості за допомогою багатоступінчастих зубчастих диференціальних передач з замкнутими гідросистеми на прикладі конкретної конструкції.

Justification of Efficiency of Elliptical Gear Train in Device for Speed Changes Management

The article analyses the functioning of epicyclical gear train with closed circuit hydrosystem, where the driving element is the sun gear and driven one is the carrier or vice versa. Control element is the ring gear, which rotates or can be stopped by the closed circuit hydrosystem.
We have conducted a theoretical research of efficiency in such epicyclical gear train. Using the means of computer modelling, we have obtained graphical dependences of the transmission efficiency from its parameters.