discrete-event simulation

Discrete-event simulation for outpatient flow and emergency patient arrival in a haemodialysis unit

Emergency cases among dialysis patients are uncertain and if these patients failed to obtain treatment within allocated treatment, it might risk their health conditions.  In relation to that, we would like to accommodate outpatients together with the emergency patients in patient scheduling problem.  Discrete-event simulation is used to estimate the outpatients flow based on the mean arrival rate, λ.  A modified integer linear programming model is presented in this paper which highlighted on the patients' arrival time, patients' departure time and bed availabili

Simulated annealing approach for outpatient scheduling in a haemodialysis unit

National Renal Registry Malaysia has reported that the dialysis treatment demand among chronic kidney and end-stage kidney disease patients rises yearly.  However, available haemodialysis (HD) units have limited facilities to meet the current and increasing demand.  This leads to congestion, long waiting times, and an increase in the duration of treatment (DOT) among HD patients during their treatment sessions.  Two essential factors in providing optimal treatment plans are outpatient scheduling and nurse assignment.  Therefore, the objectives of this study are to minim