
Theoretical basis of “social state” concept

It could not be a civil society without the state, and without the state could not exist a full rule of law because they are organic sides of modern civilized social life. The idea of the welfare state emerged on the basis of many social, economic and political theories. It reflects and develops the idea of good people, justice, equality, decent existence. Some of these ideas appeared in the ancient world, including: some theories of law and state; economic theories; theories of just social order and others.

The idea and definition of the welfare state in historiographic aspect

The doctrine of the welfare state emerged on the basis of many social, economic and
political theories. It reflects and develops the idea of good people, justice, equality, decent
existence. Some of these ideas appeared in the ancient world, including: some theoies of law
and state; economic theories; theories of just social order and others. The existence of the
welfare state is primarily concerned with democracy, as it is believed that one of the most
important factors of its formation is the impact of the civil society.

Політологічний аналіз основних методик вимірювання рівня демократії у світі

Розглянуто проблему вимірювання рівня демократичності політичного режиму країн світу. Проаналізовано 
як авторські підходи до визначення рівня демократії у світі, так і підходи та проекти міжнародних наукових та 
громадських установ. 

Essence of legality in public administration warranties and its compliance

The article is devoted to clarifying the content and essence of legality in public administration, which is important in today's conditions, because the construction of legal, democratic state that is one of the priorities of the formation and strengthening of statehood in Ukraine, related primarily to the strengthening legality and state discipline.