The idea and definition of the welfare state in historiographic aspect


D. M. Skovronskyy

The doctrine of the welfare state emerged on the basis of many social, economic and
political theories. It reflects and develops the idea of good people, justice, equality, decent
existence. Some of these ideas appeared in the ancient world, including: some theoies of law
and state; economic theories; theories of just social order and others. The existence of the
welfare state is primarily concerned with democracy, as it is believed that one of the most
important factors of its formation is the impact of the civil society.
The scientific literature defines modern democratic welfare state is defined as centrally
controlled and orderly caring existence and the life with the concern of all citizens in all
situations, which appears as a primary social reality of modern democracy served by
transformed economic liberalism economic system in accordance with social justice.
The term “welfare state” is widely used in the legal and economic literature and
understood as a state that provides social orientation of the market economy to redistribute
income in favor of those who need support and concern from the state and the society,
overcoming social inequality and so on. The existence of the welfare state is associated with
democracy, as it is believed that one of the most important factors of its formation is the
impact of civil society.
The modern concept of the welfare state comes from the fact that this is a state that puts
its main objective the achievement of the welfare of the society and its members, provide
citizens with decent living conditions and a free, comprehensive development; ensure social
protection and promotes broad participation of people in social development and use of the
results for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The functions of the welfare state are the
main activities of the welfare state, expressing its essence.

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