
Peculiarities of protection by the European Court of human rights not to be subjected to torture and other forms of violent cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment and punishment

The article analyzes the sphere of application for Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Based on the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the distinction between the concepts of torture and inhuman treatment has been researched. Attention is drawn to the absolute character of Article 3 of the Convention, regardless of circumstances or situations.

Початковий етап розслідування катувань, що їх вчиняють працівники національної поліції

Досліджено думки різних науковців щодо початкового етапу розслідування загалом та розглянуто початковий етап розслідування катувань, що вчиняють працівники Національної поліції.

Regulation of responsibility for crimes sign composed of violence in the history of criminal law

This paper examines the regulation of responsibility for crimes sign composed of Violence in the history of criminal law; investigated trends in the use of guidelines on violence in the monuments of criminal law; in historical perspective defined the notion of violence.

Foreign experience of regulation of criminal responsibility for crimes sign composed of violence

This paper examines the international experience of regulation of criminal responsibility for crimes sign composed of Violence; it turns out that penal importance is the concept of “violence” under the laws of the adjacent former Soviet and those countries which have a decisive influence on foreign law; in turn set its content and scope.