
Conditions of efficiency of applying administrative and legal norms

The article deals with the theoretical approaches to the determination of the conditions of improving the efficiency of application of administrative and legal norms in the period of adaptation of national legislation to the requirements of the European Union. The efficiency criteria, objective factors influencing the efficiency of applying legal norms, means and methods of sectoral regulation are analyzed.

Ефективність новітніх вітрогенераторів в реальних умовах

Проблемою розвитку вітроенергетики в Україні є недостатність доступної інформації про ефективність вітростанцій в реальних умовах застосування через комерціалізацію промислової інформації. З  одного боку це стосується показників вітрових навантажень в ефективних регіонах, з іншого – забезпечення тривалого ліцензованого вимірювання вітрових параметрів в складних за доступом умовах. В роботі наведено результати оцінки економічної ефективності вітроелектростанції з генераторами різної потужності.

Exergy effective regimes of exploitation of air split-conditioners of firm “LG”

The elaborating method of the exergetic analysis of air split-conditioners one-step Freon refrigeration machines was used in this article. The dependence of exergetic output-input ratio for refrigeration machine of air split-conditioner of firm “LG” with cooling capacity 3666 W for refrigerators agent R22 from air flow rates on the evaporator by different external temperature regimes was defined.

Criteria of estimation of efficiency of technology of vodopidgotovki of reservoirs of the public use

The analysis of modern innovative technologies of public water reservoirs usage is carried out, and the method of comparing their performance is suggested. The basis of a methodology is calculation and the Kef index of water purification efficiency comparison, which organically combines the economic and social factors. For the determination of Kef index mathematical dependency is developed.

Modernization of industrial enterprises as an important precondition for raising their technical level and efficiency

In this article author attempted to consider some theoretical aspects of organizing processes, modernization of industrial enterprises in modern conditions of accelerated scientific – technological process and tough competition on the foreign and domestic markets. This requires systematic coverage of factors’ set that affect the formation of a new qualitative productive capacity of industry and its effective use at the present stage of management.

The supply chain and the added value formation on the basis of customer-centric approach

The conceptual approaches for an added value handling are considered in the article. The essence of the added value formation process inside a supply chain aimed at customers’ demand is presented. The essence of the added value migration process inside a supply chain is introduced. The expediency of permanent increase of a supply chain functioning efficiency in order to supply a higher added value to customer is substantiated. The practical aspect of the research implementation is presented.