Identification of the problem of employment in the context of modern research approaches

Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute

Problem setting. The effectiveness of the functioning of the economic and political system of vital functions of the society the state foresees the formation and implementation of a policy of employment, which would serve to create a balanced number of places of work in accordance with the spiritual and material needs of the population. The achievement of high indicators of socio-economic development of a modern postmodern state depends on ensuring a high level of employment of the labor potential of the nation. Thus, within the framework of various modern research approaches, a significant number of concepts and theories were formed concerning the methodology of identifying the employment of the population, its structural elements and functions.

Recent research and publications analysis. In the framework of modern Western European science, the concept of T. Weblen and V. Hympelson is of considerable interest in the research of employment issues.

Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. It is worth noting that the normative and conceptual understanding of issues of employment of the population is still deprived of legal definition, which in this way led to the lack of a unified methodological view concerning their identification. This in such a way determines the expediency of a detailed analysis of the essence, the basic concepts and approaches, the structural aspects of identifying the content of employment and elaborating a state policy for its ensuring.

The purpose of this article is to identify the problem of employment in the context of modern research approaches.

Paper main body. Within the limits of various research approaches in the context of identifying the nature of employment of the population, a multi-methodological number of its definitions is used, among them are productive, rational, optimal, balanced, effective, which in most cases relate to the refinement of its content structure. However, these concepts do not allow for a clear ranking between the concepts: employed workforce, its reserve and labor resources.

In the context of identifying the nature of the category of employment of population, the concept deserves special attention when within its framework it is considered through the prism of the analysis of the content of quality of labor force. Based on this, the main elements of the workforce were classified, which determine the dynamics of employment of the population in the processes of social practice. It includes such elements as professional knowledge, abilities (skills) of a person, competence, responsibility. In this regard, the sphere of employment of the population in the structural and functional part depends on the personal characteristics of the person, which determine its statics or dynamics.

Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Thus, our identification of the problem of employment in the context of modern research approaches allowed systematizing the main research approaches to its definition, to classify the main categorical apparatus for its understanding developed within the framework of Western European and post-Soviet humanitarian sciences. On the basis of this, the authors proposed the construction of definition of employment as an object of social policy, which characterizes the totality of relations that are formed in society in the context of the implementation of labor activities of citizens, which thus reflects their level of inclusion in relevant labor processes in the implementation of their personal and social needs and the interests which the welfare of society depends on, its important macroeconomic indicators, the narrowing and expansion of relevant demographic processes in society. Employment is characterized as a socially useful activity of the able-bodied population, which performs relevant socially significant functions under the conditions of a social-legal agreement.

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