Environmental problems

Scientific journal  «Environmental Problems» founded in 2016.
Included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, Ukraine MON order number 999 of 11.07.2017 also included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (category "B")Ukraine MON order number 409 of 17.03.2020 (Addition 1).

Certificate of registration of print media: HF  № 22284-12184R. 

Language editions: English

Founder and Publisher:
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Sc.D., Prof. Myroslav Malovanyy

Responsible secretary​:
PhD, Assoc. prof. Kateryna Petrushka

The purpose of the Journal  «Environmental Problems» is to highlight the actual problems of research of  ecology, environmental protection, environmental technologies, environmental safety, regional environmental problems.

A feature of the journal "Environmental Problems" is the publication of articles by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, as well as experts in the field of environmental issues, which cover the results of scientific and innovative research, best practices and implementation of scientific achievements, support for research by young scientists and students, graduate students


Publication of materials of fundamental and applied  scientific researches of environmental problems.

Exchange of scientific ideas, research methodology and practical achievements in improving environmental protection.

Expansion of the scientific outlook of researchers from profile and related fields of knowledge. Informing wide circles of scientists and practitioners about the issues and best practices of large-scale researches.

Providing information field for discussion of new theories, methods and results of ecologal research.

Providing informational support to innovation activities in the field of ecology, conducting various studies within the above mentioned areas of knowledge.

Facilitating the establishment of creative relationships between different scientific and production teams, involving scientists and specialists from different departments in cooperation and cooperation to solve current environmental problems.

The journal accepts articles in such areas as:

  • Ecology;
  • Environmental protection ;
  • Environmental technologies ;
  • Ecological Safety;
  • Regional environmental problems

Journal «Environmental Problems» indexed in Google Scholar and Vernadsky National  Library,

The publications of the scientific journal are provided with digital object identifiers (DOI) by CrossRef.

 Scientific journal  «Environmental Problems»  funded by the Lviv Polytechnic National University 

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Collection on electronic archive site of Scientific and technical library of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Collection on publishing site of Lviv Polytechnic National University

4 issues per  year

Free online full-text access