: pp. 8-17
Ternopil Technical National University named after Ivan Pulyuy

The evolution and content of the Ukrainian Laws "On Waste", "On Strategic Ecological Valuation", "On Waste Management" as key documents of the national legislative base regarding the treatment and management of waste, including household, on the subject of their ability to provide administration solutions to growing problems in the specified field of activity are investigated. In particular, it is established that the evolution of the title of the executive power central body (CBEP) in the current Law of Ukraine "On Waste", which is at present the main one in Ukraine regarding household waste (HW) management, has proceeded from rather specific to quite blurred parallel to the significant increase of problems in the sphere of HW treatment, specific sources of funding of the above-mentioned treatment have not been prescribed at the state level. In the procedure of strategic ecological valuation (SЕV) of the state planning documents (SPD), a large number of authorities at all stages of customer valuation (executive power body, local government) and non-availability of participation of the rest of SEV individuals (executive power central bodies (CBEP), regional state administration (RSA), public) at the final stages, particularly, at such important one as monitoring the consequences SPD execution for the environment and public health is determined. The dependence of the flow depth of HW processing from financing and implementation of regional and local waste management plans is proved. Schemes of management and HW treatment are given, and their functioning, in particular, the essence of HW management, is investigated. It is established that at this stage of the country's life for the next seven years, there are no necessary sources for funding the investment programs in HW management. Therefore, it is reasonable to attract budget funds, contributions from investors and grants from the countries of the European Union and the world.The ways to solve the problems in waste management are proposed.

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