Peculiarities of medicinal substance release under the conditions of interface diffusion process and hydrolysis of a polymeric matrix


Angela Shurshina, Alfiya Galina, Mariya Elinson, Elena Kulish

Angela Shurshina-1, Alfiya Galina-1, Mariya Elinson-1, Elena Kulish-1

  1. Bashkir State University 32, Zaki Validi St., 450074 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

Film systems based on chitosan of various molecular weight (334000 Da and 113000 Da) and the antibiotic of an aminoglycoside row (amikacin) have been investigated. The equations of Ritger-Peppas, Hixson-Crowell and Hopfenberg, describing kinetics of medicine release have been analyzed. It is shown that the release of amikacin from films of chitosan acetate under the conditions of interface diffusion processes and dissolution (hydrolysis) of a polymeric matrix is described more correctly by Hopfenberg’s equation. It was established that carrying out isothermal annealing is followed by the reduction of values of the kinetic constants characterizing the rate of the release process of medicinal substance from a polymeric matrix.

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