Differential scanning calorimetry research of biodegradable films for confectionery and bakery products

: pp. 492–496
Received: December 18, 2016
Revised: March 14, 2017
Accepted: May 18, 2017
National University of Food Technologies
National University of Food Technologies
Institute of Highmolecular Compounds Chemistry

Biodegradable films for bakery and confectionery products using differential scanning calorimetry are studied in this work. Expediency for the use of biodegradable films for marmalade, gingerbread, bakery products, and fondant confectionery according to organoleptic characteristics is established. The influence of the type of starch on film structure is studied with DSC analysis. DSC analysis was used to determine functionality of using glycerol as plasticizer, as this can reduce the temperature of melting point and glass transition of original compounds.

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