On investigation of the local earthquakes precursors with its direct parameterization

: pp. 103-113
Received: November 04, 2013
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Purpose. The purpose of research is to assess the applicability of the electromagnetic precursors from local earthquakes that forming low-amplitude electrodynamic effects together with geophysical and petrophysical data. Investigation of the temporal-spatial relationship these seismomagnetic effects with physical characteristics of the geological environment that sensitive to changes in the stress-strain state can be used to create a new non-seismic methods for forecasting of the local earthquakes. Methodology. The results of mathematical modeling of spatio-temporal characteristics and amplitudes of the electromagnetic precursor caused by the action of elastic waves from the local earthquakes in the Carpathian geodynamic area are compared with the results of geophysical researches that include structural-geodynamic mapping, radon survey, radon monitoring, magneto-mineralogical and petrophysical studies of the volcanic rocks. Results. The calculated seismomagnetic effects from the series of regional earthquakes of Transcarpathian area have a complicated spatial distribution. Most of seismic-induced of magnetization are confined to local and narrow areas and thoron-radon emanation points. As well there occur areas of volcanic rocks that have scattered ferromagnetic phase in crystals of pyroxene and plagioclase. Petromagnetic studies these ferromagnetics shows that they belong to a high-temperature oxidized phases of magnetite and low-temperature maggemite. Originality. First the temporal-spatial characteristics of the seismomagnetic effects (electromagnetic increment) of the local earthquakes of the Carpathian Geodynamic area have been calculated and also a physical and structural-geodynamic aspects of the seismomagnetic effects in the effusive rocks are shown. Practical significance. According to the researches the local areas are determined where the significant seismomagnetic effects and the abnormal emanation are occurring. In these points should be set the precise monitoring of the geomagnetic field variations, measuring of Rn (and To) in the soil air and groundwater and analyses of seismometric data that allow to accumulate material for the creation of reliable models of electromagnetic precursor of the local earthquakes.

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