адміністративне судочинство

Представницька функція прокурора в адміністративному судочинстві

Стаття присвячена дослідженню представницької функції прокурора в адміністра-
тивному судочинстві, адже сьогодні питання представництва прав, свобод та законних
інтересів громадян прокурором в адміністративному судочинстві набуває особливої
важливості в контексті пізнання механізмів захисту прав людини в умовах
євроінтеграційних процесів.

Subjects system administrative court of Ukraine

The article deals with the scientific and regulatory approaches to the definition of “subject  of  administrative  justice”,  the  classification  of  subjects  in  administrative  legal proceedings was studied. The legal status of the subjects of administrative legal proceedings depends directly on its legislative definition, but its implementation is connected with active or passive forms of execution of the functions of the parties, and other procedural participants in court proceedings.

Goal, task and principle of the administrative court of Ukraine in the modern stage of reforming the ukrainian judiciary

The article deals with issues of development of administrative justice, its purpose and principles. The process, which is carried out by an administrative court, acquires the meaning of administrative proceedings.

The essence of the reconciliation procedure in the system of alternative decisions of legal conflicts (disputes)

The article discloses the content of alternative dispute resolution, describes the reconciliation procedures, shows their place in the system of alternative methods and determines under what circumstances and for what purpose the administrative court can initiate and participate in mediation.

Principles of administrative proceedings as the basis of protection of human rights and citizens

The article deals with issues related to ensuring the principles of administrative legal proceedings, since the practical implementation of these principles is a universally recognized criterion of the rule of law and democratic political and legal regime, really contributes to the creation of a truly democratic and socially oriented state inconceivable without a strong and independent judiciary.