non-destructive testing

Computer vision system for research in the area of defectoscopy for materials and products

In many cases, visual and optical methods can be used in defectoscopy for different materials and products. With the development of microprocessor components and significant expansion of usage of computer technologies and image processing and analysis techniques in different areas, the use of visual and optical methods in defectoscopy for production and research purposes is rapidly developing.

The Magnetoconductive Method of the Materials Defectoscopy

Magnetic flaw detection is one of the best methods of testing with ferromagnetic properties. It combines high sensitivity and probability of detection of internal and subsurface defects with low cost and ease of implementation. However, there are cases where traditional methods of non-destructive magnetic control is ineffective. Connections of steel structural elements welding method associated with the change of geometric dimensions and shape of the product, and therefore needed to control their use of other methods.