
Visualization of area illumination of the territory of national arboretum park "Sofiivka" through GIS technologies

The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need for the use of GIS technologies in the study of the illumination degree of garden and park plantings. The paper also focuses on the versatile relief characteristics of the territory of the National Arboretum "Sofiivka" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by conducting 3D modeling and creating digital models based on it. The models are determined by individual levels of insolation sections of the "Sofiivka" territory.

Герб Львова XVII століття: реставрація пам’ятки


Герб Львова було знайдено під час археологічних досліджень території костелу Св. Духа у 1987 році. Герб міста вирізьблено з каменю у XVII столітті у стилі Ренесансу. Відомо, що його виконано для Єзуїтської хвіртки і припускають, що він був розміщений над входом. На гербі bзображено браму з левом, яка обрамлена лавровим вінком зі стрічкою, та латинський надпис. Було проведено стилістичний аналіз пам’ятки, досліджено різьбу поліхромію та історію пам’ятки.

Studing the tectogenesis in the middle course basin of river latorytsia based on analysis of basic releif surfaces

A possibility of studying the tectonic processes in the folded mountain areas using the structural morphometry and the GIS-analysis has been demonstrated. The results of analysis of basic surfaces, constructed based on non-uniformly scaled topographic maps, have been discussed. The correlations have been revealed between the orography forms, tectonic and volcanic structures on the Carpathian model polygon. 

Application of artificial neural networks for classifying surface areas with a certain relief

The purpose of research. The main purpose of research is to analyze the relief of  various surfaces. For example, to select on the surface the individual sections of a certain  form, such as slopes that are oriented in a given direction. The main aim of the article is the use of artificial neural networks (ANN). To solve the problem of classification a binary classifier was created and its work and its accuracy was studied. Method. The research was carried out on the certain section of the earth's surface. The digital model, presented by greed file, was created.