United Nations Organisation

Relations Between Ukraine and Israel Within the Framework of the United Nations: Key Interests and Disagreements (Review Article)

The article analyzes the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of Ukraine's position on the issue of the Palestinian territories in UN institutions and Israel attitude toward Russian invasion of Ukraine. There are important differences in the military and political interests of Ukraine and Israel. Thus, the institutions of the UN have become the international forum where the differences between Ukraine and Israel show themselves especially clearly.

Prospects for reforming the UN in the context of electing the new secretary-general

In the article, the prospects for reforming the UN in order to resolve major problems of the Organization are considered. Recent developments in the world politics have shown the lack of effectiveness of the UN and the urgent need for changes in order to increase the capacity of the UN to respond to new threats and challenges. For example, five permanent members of the Security Council do not reflect adequately the picture of the modern multipolar world.