violent crimes

Engagement of a specialist in the interrogation of juvenile victims of violent crimes

The article examines the organization and tactics of conducting and engaging a specialist to interrogate minors who have suffered from violent crimes. The purpose of involving a specialist is to help the investigator obtain reliable testimony using games, fairy tales, and other behavioral methods.

Victim of violent criminal behavior: individual characteristics victimological

The article highlights the idea that carries a scientific society about the notion of latent
crimes, definition of latency. Besides, the examination of concealing factors of such crimes is
upheld based on the sample of crimes on sex rimes. And finally, the author affirms the
necessity to apply victimological preventive measures against violent crimes considering a high
level of their latency

Concept and delinquency directions its prevention

The article highlights the idea that carries a scientific society about the notion of latent crimes, definition of latency. Besides, the examination of concealing factors of such crimes is upheld based on the sample of crimes on sex rimes. And finally, the author affirms the necessity to apply victimological preventive measures against violent crimes considering a high level of their latency.