водні об’єкти

Bioindication and biotesting methods application for water quality assessment

In this article the environmental monitoring of the natural water bodies based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioindicative organisms were conducted. Approbation of the sampling methods, techniques and laboratory analysis of biological objects from natural ecosystems were carried out. The next biological objects have been analyzed: periphyton from rocky and stony coasts, algae and meiofaunal organisms (Nematoda, Harpacticoida, Cladocera, Rotifera), and macrobenthos freshwater river-living organisms. Main influences and distribution dependences were found.

Cadastral surveying of water fund objects

In the basis of the executed researches the mathematical algorithms of construction of exactness of geodesic networks are shown out at the cadastre output of earths of water fund for the reserved and prolate reservoirs. Folloving economic indicators, the first set is scientifically grounded parameters of exactness at implementation of cadastre outputs depending on the money cost of earths.